Every purchase you make with Miles & More World Mastercard® credit card, corresponds to one entry in the draw:
- 200 lucky ones will earn 50.000 miles
Valid for purchases from 1/10/2019 up to 30/11/2019.
You don't have a Miles & More World Mastercard? Apply online via winbank web banking, if you are a Piraeus Bank customer.
Every purchase you make with Miles & More World Mastercard® credit card, corresponds to one entry in the draw:
Valid for purchases from 1/10/2019 up to 30/11/2019.
Acquire a Miles & World Mastercard and get 5 entries in the draw with your first purchase up to 30/11/2019.
Each next purchase equals another entry!
Calculate how many miles you can earn each month by making purchases with Miles & More World Mastercard credit card!